Quality and ISG

It is important for us to produce unique, creative, sustainable services and solutions pertain to our customers and to maintain and develop our position and reputation in global market within the national and international laws and to adhere to the principles of business ethics.

We have adopted and engaged in the “Integrated Management Systems” standards so as to maintain the services offered by our Company in accordance with the requirements for International Quality Systems.

Within this context, Our Company has the Certificates indicated below:

These Systems are periodically audited by Specialised Internal Auditors trained within the structure and independent external supervision agencies.

ISO 9001 Quality Management System:

Our Company has obtained first of all ISO 9001 Certificate in order to offer services satisfying customer requirements and expectations.

Our Company has acquired the discipline and continuous improving mechanism through ISO 9001 management system. There is a risk analysis based quality approach in our Company that each risk is considered as an improvement opportunity with the proactive point of view.

ISO 14001 Environment Management System:
Our programs has been established within the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System in the awareness of our environmental responsibility. Within this scope, we discharge our responsibility towards the nature by following all the system, including quality, through the software. We sort all our wastes ( paper, glass, electronics etc. ) and send them to the companies licensed by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization and thus we contribute to the recycling and prefer energy-friendly products.

We donate regularly and a considerable amount of saplings to the afforestation activities conducted by Tema Foundation for next generations who will protect the natural assets of our country.

ISO 10002 Customer Satisfaction Management System:
Our Company has established a “Customer Satisfaction Management System” in accordance with the ISO 10002 international customer satisfaction standard within the scope of Customs consultancy services.

Our services are reviewed and made continuous improvements by taking into account the customers’ notices and expectations. Our Customer Satisfaction Management System includes:

  • Visibility
  • Accessibility
  • Responsiveness
  • Objectivity
  • Privacy
  • Customer-oriented Approach
  • Responsibility
  • Continuous development

ISO 22301 Societal Security & Business Continuity Management System:

Business Continuity is one of the most important standards of our technological development.

Our company is well prepared against, all kind of disaster scenarios in order to provide uninterrupted, and quality services to all stakeholders within the scope of ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management System principles, even in emergency and hard conditions except daily conditions.

With Business Continuity Management System, downtimes are minimised during emergencies.

ISO 27001 Information Security Management System:

We identify all risks and protect the information of our employees and all third parties with great care. Our Information Security Management System is based on continuous development and minimising risks by proactive risk analysis.

“MPLS” closed circuit- network initially entered into our network, so that we could manage the security concept better with ISO 27001. This structure led to bring our risks at certain points together in the security steps.

Locating our servers in the data centres of companies with strong infrastructure, has got a chance to increase our security level with additional services in the data centres.

In addition to the strong firewall infrastructures, we also actualised additional safety elements via “IDS and IPS” systems.

ISO 20000-1 IT Service Management System:
The effectiveness of services and sub-structures being used in Information Technologies are provided within the scope of ISO 20000 Information Technologies Services Management standard.

This system focuses on the combination and implementation of coordinated service management processes, thus, measures are taken by determining the risks and substructures are improved.

OHSAS 18001  Occupational Health & Safety Management System:
There are available A and C- Class Occupational Safety Specialists within the Directorate of Management Systems for follow-up and coordination of works related to Occupational Health and Safety within the scope of Occupational Health and Safety Law Numbered 6331 and OHSAS 18001 standard. Occupational Safety and Health meetings are held regularly within the scope of legal regulation and company policies.

  • Recruitment of OSGB Occupational Physician and ISG Expert.
  • Periodic Inspections and Employment
  • Basic ISG Trainings
  • Emergency Action Plans
  • Risk Analysis
  • Evacuation Plans
  • Emergency Evacuation and Fire Fighting Drills

are regularly carried out.

ISO 37001 Anti-Corruption Management System:
Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy clearly demonstrates our Company’s manner for the fighting against bribery and corruption; the ethical principles constituting the extract of our company’s identity are indicated in detail in DCS Ethics Guidelines.

Our ISO 37001 anti-corruption management system has been integrated with our available other management systems.

We will continue to enrich our business and our country via our current working principles which are based on the Integrated Management Systems standards.

Ecovadis-Corporate  of Social Responsibility

Ecovadis offer  solutions for monitoring sustainability throughout Global Supply Chains

The purpose of Assessment of  Ecovadis is, to attain clear view of Corporate Social Responsibility implementations in four themes;

  • Environment,
  • Labor & Human Rights,
  • Ethics
  • Sustainable Procurement.

Corporate Social Responsibility is continuous commitment to act as responsible by integrating social and environmental concerns into business activities. It exceeds beyond of legal requirements in order to focus on economical, social, and environmental effects of our company  and also how we manage the  relations with the partners.

Within this scope, our Company has been rated and certified as Silver by Ecovadis (an independent rating company of corporate of social responsibility & assessment).

We will continue to add value our business and country via our available working principles and under the Integrated Management Systems standards.