Transferring company product master data onto LOGIFYTM component of AGSWTM platform for re-classification in accordance with Swiss import and export regulations and determination of articles, those fall under Swiss dual-use regulations.
About HZI
Hitachi Zosen Inova (HZI) is a global cleantech company operating in Waste-to-Energy (WtE) and Renewable Gas. The company develops projects with their clients and then draw on their experience as an engineering, procurement, and construction contractor to deliver complex turnkey plants and system solutions. Company also offers comprehensive, expert, and reliable after-sales services for operators of existing plants.
Client Enquiries
Reaching accurate and up-to-date tariff information o internationally traded company products to navigate through the complex world of customs regulations with confidence.
Solution Architecture
Our project team manages the project through analyzing the pain points with HZI and to establish a common systematic approach, by launching agile project management tools that encompass all the steps required to identify and obtain the necessary data and achieve the desired results by defining roles and responsibilities for project segments to oversee the project through the project timeline.
The Solution
The LogifyTM platform facilitates the transmission of both old components and newly added items used by HZI as work orders, allowing consultants to determine and record the most up-to-date Tariff Codes related to these items. This platform not only empowers consultants to define and store item tariffs but also creates a sustainable and traceable work culture by instantly notifying customers and consultants of legislative changes affecting these items, providing customers with a dataset they can always rely on. Additionally, it offers an infrastructure open to inter-system integration, enabling the automatic synchronization of these critical pieces of information with HZI’s ERP system.
The Output
By bringing together consultants and HZI on a single platform, it eliminates the use of Excel and e-mail, preventing the complexity, time wastage, and inconsistency they cause. Simultaneously, it provides customers with reliable regulatory information about their goods as data, both at the time of customs declaration and for future planning.